Allison: “Don’t be shy, wonderful things can result from a simple message”
I am a broke college student, so Simbi’s philosophy certainly appealed to me. I’ll admit, at first I had my doubts, but Simbi has proven…
I am a broke college student, so Simbi’s philosophy certainly appealed to me. I’ll admit, at first I had my doubts, but Simbi has proven…
Within minutes, I had people from all over the country interested in Spray Paintings. It made my heart soar. Excitedly, I’d rush to message them! Everyone on Simbi had such great and unique talents…
A friend suggested Simbi’s secret sauce was the community. With that in mind, I posted humorously seeking “collaborators for world take over.” Already that request has spurred many fascinating connections…
Growing up as a girl there are two special occasions that you think about: Prom and your wedding day. I had my junior prom Spring 2016. With no money to spend on hair, makeup, and nails, I turned to Simbi…
I’m currently living in Ecuador, which means all my exchanges were entirely virtual. I think 100% virtual services is a relatively new frontier for Simbi, but I found it incredibly easy…
I’m relatively new to the USA. Back in my home country, I was always involved in a variety of entrepreneurial discussions & philanthropic projects, but when I moved here I felt totally disconnected…
Simbi is the answer I was seeking for years. I eat a lot but hate to cook. “What if I could trade personal training for a personal chef?” I asked myself. I tried posting this request on another site and was denied….
My first in-person Simbi experience was everything I hoped this site would be. I started getting a lot of responses almost immediately after posting my first project, and I was seeing a bunch of cool requests…
Simbi instantly caught my attention because it resonated with two ideas I live by: 1) Spend as much of my time doing what I love and encourage others to do the same, and 2) share my experiences, learnings, knowledge…
When I was 21 I spent a year in Nicaragua. Normally I hate to make generalizations about cultures – every culture is as complex as it is rich, and the people within it as diverse as they are similar – but for the sake…