The following story is written by Cely Inda, a member from Long Beach, California, USA. Cely is an adventurous mother of a 4-year-old son with autism, ADHD and OCD. She lives in a tiny house and loves taking her son out for bike rides. She enjoys creatively expressing herself through making costumes and retro clothing and dancing.
My name is Cely and I found Simbi through a friend’s Facebook post. I was inspired to join right away because the ‘no money’ concept made so much sense and was very appealing. Especially as a low income mom, it’s hard to find interesting activities because everything is so costly elsewhere.
Before Simbi, I was part of an organization in my city called, “The Long Beach Time Exchange”, but their website was difficult to log into and hardly anyone used it. I’d earn points with their time exchange but never got anything in return. I spoke to a few friends and they all had the same experience. I love that the Simbi website is well-organized, easy to understand and that there is always help available. It really is a website for anybody and everybody.
Simbi gives me possibilities of services I may appreciate and also allows me to see who is offering services in an order of location and distance…
Since I didn’t want to drive out very far, the first request I sent was to Jade J., a teacher in my city who was offering pole dancing classes. This took my interest because I’ve never tried pole dancing before, but was intrigued. I went over to her house to learn what she had to offer. She was very kind and taught the class very well. It turns out, pole dancing was definitely for me! I knew I had to continue to learn because I found an activity that empowers me to feel good about myself. I am currently pole dancing most days of the week and consider myself very lucky to have her here in Long Beach as a teacher offering services on Simbi. The best part of it all is we came up with a direct agreement that I will watch her dog in exchange for the classes.
I recently started offereing a sketching service and it seems to be a big hit, I’m so glad people are enjoying my work! I share with my friends about the cool exchanges I have made and the services I’m offering and explain to them how the Simbi points system works. I’d also like to achieve more skills and friendships through the in-person services I request.
For the new members joining Simbi, I would say that as soon as you join, explore the website right away! Don’t put it on the back-burner. Look at all of your options to earn points and do it. Recruit more friends so you will be able to find a service or offer a service to someone who is already familiar with you. Share your services and exchanges in Facebook and other social media platforms for two reasons: you have a chance to earn more points and your friends may have the very same interests and want to follow in your footsteps.
I see a future of continual exchanges and in the process, making friends and acquaintances. I see a future were I am learning skills to pass on to others and that others can learn skills from me that they will be able to pass on.
Simbiotic Stories are real anecdotes told by you and other Simbi community members. Tell us about your Simbi deals and experiences with other members. If your story is published, we’ll credit your account with 150 simbi. Submit your entries by starting a conversation with us via this link.